Highlights from IMSC 2016
Posted on Aug 29, 2016 by Cristina Lento

It was a busy week for the Wilson group, both volunteering and participating in the 21st International Mass Spectrometry Conference. Here are a few highlights from the week!
During the NSERC-CREATE Industrial Workshop.
Andrew Fairman showing off his cool insights into how dynamics dictates substrate specificity.
Bin Deng showing off a whole new way of determining epitopes... without allosteric interferance!
Ruth Knox giving her awesome poster on HDX for antibiotic resistance.
Shaolong Zhu showing that TRESI-HDX can help design anti-amyloid drugs!
Cristina Lento's poster on studying bacterial conjugation system proteins by TRESI-HDX.
Wilson lab members busy presenting their posters.
Two generations of HDX experts at Sanofi. Both Wilson group affiliates!
Kerene Brown schooling the uninitiated on different RNA binding modes in an atypical RRM2 motif.