MS-ESE (Mass-Spectrometry Enabled Science and Engineering) is an innovative Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) program made possible by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada, under the umbrella of CRMS. It provides graduate students the opportunity to work with world-leading mass spectrometry-oriented researchers, multi-national industrial collaborators and the opportunity to participate in workshops, seminars and conferences.
Each year there are workshops that are used to provide insight into the requirements needed to pursue careers in science, whether in academia or industry. Two workshops are hosted, academic and industrial. The academic workshop includes professors from Canada’s leading universities within the GTA such as the University of Toronto, York University and University of Waterloo. They speak not only of their current research but also about their graduate experience and how they attained their respective jobs in academia. The industrial workshop includes a series of presentations from leading researchers from companies such as Sciex, Sanofi Pasteur, Fluidigm and Maxxam Analytics. They provide information on current research in their companies as well as employment outlook and opportunities.
In the fall and winter semesters, student seminars are held biweekly at York University’s Keele campus in which each trainee gives a presentation on their current research. These presentations also double as a competition for travel awards to attend several conferences where trainees can present their research as posters or oral presentations.
Currently, the program consists of 15 students form 7 labs and 2 universities (York University and University of Toronto).
Visit the Mass Spectrometry Enabled Science and Engineering (MS-ESE) website for more information: